Simutrans-Extended InGame Help Online

?Landscape Tools - raise/lower land Help

?Landscape Tools

Landscape Tools raise and lower terrain and may be used to provide suitable places for construction.
Click on sloping-land-icon at top of the main game window to open toolbar.
Hover the mouse cursor, after opening or clicking on toolbar, over tool to see name and construction cost.
Tools operate on areas empty of obstructions (e.g. roads, track, buildings, stops and stations).
click on the tool icon to select, changing cursor, then position cursor on terrain in the main game window and click to use:
Raise Land/Lower Land: raises/lowers terrain
Cursor is an upward/downward arrow.
Tools also open with [u] and [d].
Slopes: creates a slope, in direction indicated by a toolbar icon. May create an artificial vertical surface in the process.
Cursor is a yellow-cube outline which positions slope.
?Lower Square/?Raise Square: lowers/raises a specific square of terrain. May create an artificial vertical surface in the process.
Cursor is a yellow-cube outline which selects square.
Restore natural slope: returns terrain to a natural landscape, removing artificial vertical surfaces in the process.
Cursor is a yellow-cube outline which positions tool.
Tip: Landscape tools are easier to use with grid, press [#] and zoom-in the main game window.
Use the destroy/remove tool to remove some obstructions.
Depending on map, tools can raise land into/out of water.
