Simutrans-Extended InGame Help Online

Game Options Help

Game Options

The Game Options window allows a number of general options to be set, and allows for loading and saving games, and quitting Simutrans.
Click on the diskette icon at top of the main game window to open the Game Options window.
The options available are:
Language: sets the language used in the game.
Player Colour: sets the colour of the player's transport company.
Display: sets a number of display options (opens a new window).
Sound: settings for sound and music in the game (opens a new window).
Players: sets a number of options relating to Player companies (opens a new window).
Load: loads a saved game (opens a new window).
Save: saves the current game (opens a new window).
New Map: opens a new window with settings to start a new game. All other windows, other than the main game window, will close.
Quit: exits Simutrans.
Note: You will not be prompted to save your game. Any changes since the last save will be lost.
