Simutrans-Extended InGame Help Online

Stop Details Help

Stop Details

Stop Details provides more information about a stop.
Stop Details opens from the Details option button in the stop information window.
If all items are not visible re-size Stop Details, or use the slider bars to scroll items.
Information listd includes:
Connected factories: names and map co-ordinates (in brackets) of any industries in the catchment area of the stop.
Tip: Use the [v] key to toggle the display of catchments area for all the stops in the game.
Goods needed by nearby industries: types of goods required by industries in the catchment area of the stop.
Lines serving this Stop: Lines that use this Stop.
Lines are listed in alphabetical order, with capital letters before lower case letters. Click on the small arrow next to the line to open that line in the line management window.
Direct routes from here:lists the names of stops that can be reached directly (i.e., without changing) by lines and convoys serving this stop. This is lised by the type of items (goods, mail and passnegers) that can be transported from here.
Stops are listed are listed in alphabetical order, with capital letters before lower case letters. Click on the small arrow next to the line to go to that stop in the main window.
Beneath each stop listed, there is a display of the average travelling and waiting time from the present stop to each of the destinations. Goods and passengers will always try to find the shortest route (in terms of journey time: that is, total travelling time plus total waiting time) between their origin and destination stops. Some goods and all passengers will leave if they have to wait too long at any stop.
Also shown are the transfer and transshipment times. The transfer time is the time that it takes passengers, and the transshipment time is the time that it takes goods, to travel through the stop, i.e., to be ready to board a vehicle or leave the stop after having arrived.
